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I follow companies from the vineyard to the bottle,


I make them grow and gain prestige


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The book is now on sell in the best bookstores in hardback

and you can buy it here:

or in ebook version (italian only) and you can buy it here

do not waste time, click on the link   and receive your book or click on the image and download the ebook!

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the book "DESTINATION QUALITY" was released in digital version for the oenologist, the winemaker, the sommelier and the enthusiast.
You can easily download it from this site from the “destination quality” page


Given the great success of the book, at Christmas 2019 you will be able to purchase the hardback version, in three languages, published by  Chiriotti Editori

You'll find it only in the best e.commerce libraries and platforms.

leave a message with your data in the contact form, you will receive a notice when the book is out and you will be able to buy it at a special  launch price.

Over 5,700 bookings received in 15 days
from the release of the eBook.
You can receive it in PDF format quickly.

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Over 30 buyers including wine growers, winemakers and wine
enthusiasts recommended this handbook

The 7 indispensable Sheets, to have in the cellar

  • Berries analytical values sheet

  • Evaluation board White Wines

  • Densimetric and refractometric values ​​sheet of musts (Jaulmes-modified by C.Miconi)

  • Fermentation progress sheet

  • Evaluation board Red Wines

  • Synthetic harvest time evaluation sheet  - F.H.D. method

  • Enrichment table with M.C.R. [sparkling production]

Download the ebook for free with the 7
indispensable sheets to have in the cellar

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